
Your personalized experience begins in our chat...

Simple, automated tenant inventory and condition reports at your fingertips.

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Have you fallen in love with MyWalkThru yet?

Increase Your Bottom Line.
Save time.
Start your residents off with confidence, trust, and peace of mind.
Complete and accurate photo documentation created and submitted by the tenant.
Reduces Security Deposit Disputes.

Learn about the newest tool available, designed to save you time and put money in your pocket, while giving your new resident peace of mind.

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“As a property manager myself, I would love to refund 100% of the security deposit to my exiting residents. I have no problem doing that if the home is “rent ready” for me when I get it back as it was “rent ready” for the resident when they moved in. Property Managers have to allow for “normal wear and tear’. That term “normal wear and tear” is not a definitive term so this is how MY Walk Thru can help.”

“My Walk Thru allows residents to make great documentation at the move in."

“If my homes are “rent ready” when I get them back after a lease, I have NO PROBLEM reimbursing residents 100% of the Security Deposit.”

Why You Will Love MyWalkThru

Who wouldn’t want to save time and have better move in documentation for their new home?

Home Why 1

Ease of Use

Start your residents off on the right foot by showing them that you have a smooth move in process that enables them to protect their security deposit while protecting your owner’s asset.

Home Why 2

Better Reporting

Set up your Management account in minutes, and see how easy it is for your resident to get started.

Home Why 3

Less Stress

MyWalkThru creates a more efficient process where the resident creates a beautiful PDF photo report, fully documenting the unit condition at move in.

NARPM Best Inspection Software